Hi Jerome,
Thanks a lot for the response.
I dd'd that image onto a hard drive. I could mount it and see DOSy looking
stuff. I tried to boot off it as USB and internal SATA and got the same
black screen with blinking cursor :(
Both ways my BIOS detected it as an option for boot. I've pulled EVERYTHING
out of the computer, only 8GiBs RAM, no video card. Could it be some BIOS
setting I missed? Does it get cranky about USB keyboards? It doesn't feel
like there are enough variables for it not to work.
On Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 2:56 AM, Jerome Shidel <jer...@shidel.net> wrote:
> Hello Matthew,
> Try using FreeDOS 1.2 Installer Preview Release 15 (FDI).
> http://up.lod.bz/FDI
> Use either the SLIM or full USB images. SLIM contains BASE and FULL
> installs and is under 32MB. The Full USB image contains those plus about
> 450MB of extra packages that are not automatically installed.
> Easy to put its image on a flash drive using Linux, Mac or UNIX basis
> system. On Linux, just plug in a USB stick and locate its device name.
> Something like /dev/sdg. Then just use something like:
> sudo dd if=FDI-USB.img of=/dev/sdg
> dd is a little slow but works fine. This is also how you would create it
> on a Mac. However, on a Mac, you need to first unmount (not eject) the
> media, then use the command line version of diskUtils to find the device
> name.
> Anyhow, assuming your machine will boot the new USB stick, you need not do
> an install. Simply select your language, then at the Welcome to FDI screen,
> select quit to DOS. You are now running a basic lite and slightly limited
> version of FreeDOS 1.2.
> I hope this helps.
> Jerome
> Sent from my iPhone, ignore bad sentence structures, grammatical errors
> and incorrect spell-corrected words.
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