Hi Louis and Jerome,

as advanced user, I am against installers zapping my MBR without
even looking at it. I would need a bootable CD to repair my boot
menu, or would need to know how to do that with DOS. Enough users
neither have boot repair CD prepared nor know how to use DOS tool
methods for restoring a backup of their MBR.

As mentioned probably a few weeks ago, please overwrite the MBR
ONLY if it was empty... By EMPTY, I mean no code present at all.
Which is the state that you will probably see when you bought an
empty harddisk or made a new virtual computer to install DOS on.

You can mention in the readme that users can issue [some command]
at the DOS prompt after booting from the CD to overwrite the MBR.
That will allow them to do that at their own risk IF they want.

You could even add a dialog to ask the user whether they want to
overwrite their MBR, but this includes the risk that people would
say yes without careful thinking. Also, as said, this should ONLY
be required if the MBR was empty before. So I suggest to grab and
backup a copy of the MBR first. Second, check if it had boot code
and only third, only if not, write the boot code which was missing.

Thanks! Regards, Eric

>> This is a known problem that has been undergoing consideration on
>> how best to resolve the issue. The SYS command used by the
>> installer does not force an overwrite of the old boot code in the
>> MBR. This would damage the boot loader of a multi boot system.
>> However, this seems to cause at least as many problems as it
>> solves.
>> At present, the current thinking is to backup the MBR and push a
>> new one regardless of the current MBR.
> The advanced user in me likes this.    But, is there an easy way for 
> the advanced user to re-install the backed up MBR?  To me, this 
> creates an additional liability that FD should be prepared/able to 
> solve.
> I advocate for FDI to Prompt, backup MBR, and then overwrite.

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