The expiring lease problem is irritating.  My answer to that is have 
people choose reasonable lease times and to run DHCP before doing 
something that might run a while.  "Reasonable" generally means at least 
8 hours ...

If 8 hours is too long a nice work around is to configure the DHCP 
server to assign the same address each time to a given MAC address.  
This allows the DOS machine to use DHCP while having the benefits of a 
fixed address.  It is also possible to just configure things statically 
and avoid the problem entirely.

For the very long running programs (the web server or the FTP server) 
I've thought about including the DHCP and SNTP code in them; that would 
allow them to refresh their lease and keep the system time accurate for 
extended periods of time.  (Days or weeks ...)  The DHCP portion would 
not be necessary if using one of the two work-arounds above.


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