If you're really concerned about a bunch of other parameters in WATTCP.CFG, the
more elegant solution (in my opinion of course) is this:
Do my original bat file.
At the end of the bat file put this:
echo "include c:\otherwat.cfg" >> wattcp.cfg
Keep all your other stuff in "otherwat.cfg" ...
Most (likely all) of that other stuff is not needed anyway.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ulrich <my.gr...@mailbox.org>
To: Discussion and general questions about FreeDOS.
Sent: Sun, Aug 31, 2014 12:15 pm
Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] VirtualBox and FTP
I am sorry, there were some errors in my previous post:
The batchfile has to be called like this in AUTOEXEC.BAT, right after the line
Otherwise it wouldn't return to AUTOEXEC.BAT.
There were also errors in the batchfile itself. I made some changes, now it
seems to work. Sorry for the inconvenience.
@echo off
rem convert MTCP config file to WATTCP format
rem 1. Make a backup of WATTCP.CFG
copy /y c:\fdos\wattcp.cfg c:\fdos\wattcp.bak
rem 2. Preserve the settings of WATTCP.CFG
copy /y c:\fdos\wattcp.cfg c:\fdos\wattcp.mtr
rem 3. Delete the settings we need to get from MTCP.CFG
C:\MTR202B\mt.exe -b- -c -n c:\fdos\wattcp.mtr ^my_ip.*\n = \z
C:\MTR202B\mt.exe -b- -c -n c:\fdos\wattcp.mtr ^IP.*\n = \z
C:\MTR202B\mt.exe -b- -c -n c:\fdos\wattcp.mtr ^netmask.*\n = \z
C:\MTR202B\mt.exe -b- -c -n c:\fdos\wattcp.mtr ^gateway.*\n = \z
C:\MTR202B\mt.exe -b- -c -n c:\fdos\wattcp.mtr ^nameserver.*\n = \z
C:\MTR202B\mt.exe -b- -c -n c:\fdos\wattcp.mtr ^hostname.*\n = \r
C:\MTR202B\mt.exe -b- -c -n c:\fdos\wattcp.mtr \r = \z
rem 4. Get the settings from MTCP.CFG
copy /y c:\fdos\mtcp.cfg c:\fdos\wattcp.cfg
rem 5. First comment out every line with a '#'
C:\MTR202B\mt.exe -b- -c -n c:\fdos\wattcp.cfg (^) = #
rem 6. Now uncomment the ones we want, add equal sign and change if needed
C:\MTR202B\mt.exe -b- -c -n c:\fdos\wattcp.cfg #ipaddr = my_ip=
C:\MTR202B\mt.exe -b- -c -n c:\fdos\wattcp.cfg #netmask = netmask=
C:\MTR202B\mt.exe -b- -c -n c:\fdos\wattcp.cfg #gateway = gateway=
C:\MTR202B\mt.exe -b- -c -n c:\fdos\wattcp.cfg #nameserver = nameserver=
C:\MTR202B\mt.exe -b- -c -n c:\fdos\wattcp.cfg #hostname = hostname=
rem 7. Remove all lines leftover from MTCP.CFG
C:\MTR202B\mt.exe -b- -c -n c:\fdos\wattcp.cfg #.*\n =
C:\MTR202B\mt.exe -b- -c -n c:\fdos\wattcp.cfg # =
rem 8. Append all the other settings from the original WATTCP.CFG
type c:\fdos\wattcp.mtr >> c:\fdos\wattcp.cfg
rem 9. Clean up.
del c:\fdos\wattcp.mtr
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