>mTCP vs wattcp.cfg - I agree this would be awesome if mTCP could read/write
>>WatTCP config files for backward compatibility :)
Step 1: Install minitrue on your PC. mt.exe ... google it.
Step 2: Create a batch file called "M2WAT.BAT"
Put this stuff in the batch file:
@echo off
rem convert MTCP config file to WATTCP format
copy mtcp.cfg wattcp.cfg
rem first comment out every line with a '#'
mt -b- -c -n wattcp.cfg (^) = #
rem now uncomment the ones we want, add equal sign and change if needed
mt -b- -c -n wattcp.cfg #ipaddr = my_ip=
mt -b- -c -n wattcp.cfg #netmask = netmask=
mt -b- -c -n wattcp.cfg #gateway = gateway=
mt -b- -c -n wattcp.cfg #nameserver = nameserver=
mt -b- -c -n wattcp.cfg #hostname = hostname=
Run it.
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