
I just tested a bit more what is possible with DOS networking and VirtualBox. 

I always wondered why I need to choose "Bridged Adapter" in the guest network 
settings to establish a FTP connection between host and guest. Because that 
means the connection needs the physical router in my LAN. 

It should be possible to make a connection between the host and the FreeDOS 
guest only locally, even when I am not connected to a physical network.

Normally this is possible by choosing "NAT" in the guest network settings. Then 
you need to activate port forwarding. Either in the GUI, choosing the guest, 
choosing "Network" - "Advanced" - "Port Forwarding". Or by using the terminal 
and commanding:

VBoxManage modifyvm "nameoftheguest" --natpf1 "guestftp,tcp,,2121,,21"
(This forwards all TCP traffic from the host port 2121 to the guest port 21.)

If I do this, the following happens:
FreeDOS 1.1 boots and the network is up.
mTCP dhcp gets network address
I start mTCP ftpsrv
I connect with Mac OSX terminal ftp client. 
I login.
Then, when I try to list the directory, there is a timeout of 1 minute and 17 
seconds. After that it tells me "PORT command successful" and everything seems 
to work. Here the log.

ftp> open 2121
Connected to
220 mTCP FTP Server
Name ( user
331 User OK, send Password
230 User logged in
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> ls
227 Entering Passive Mode (10,0,2,15,8,82)
ftp: Can't connect to `': Operation timed out
200 PORT command successful
150 Sending file list
drwxrwxrwx 1 ftp ftp          0 Dec 28  1980 DRIVE_C

Is it possible, the client is trying to connect to instead of 2121 ? 

But from there on everything seems to work.

Unfortunately I had no success with Filezilla and Forklift (my favorite 
filemanager on the Mac).

If I connect with Filezilla and try to list the directory I get: "425 Cant open 
connection - please try again".
Then the connection is closed.

Status:         Verbinde mit
Status:         Verbindung hergestellt, warte auf Willkommensnachricht...
Antwort:        220 mTCP FTP Server
Befehl:         USER user
Antwort:        331 User OK, send Password
Befehl:         PASS ********
Antwort:        230 User logged in
Befehl:         SYST
Antwort:        215 UNIX Type: L8
Befehl:         FEAT
Antwort:        211-mTCP FTP server features:
Antwort:         MDTM
Antwort:         SIZE 
Antwort:        211 End
Status:         Der Server unterstützt keine Nicht-ASCII-Zeichen.
Status:         Verbunden
Status:         Empfange Verzeichnisinhalt...
Befehl:         PWD
Antwort:        257 "/" is current directory
Befehl:         TYPE I
Antwort:        200 Type set to I
Befehl:         PASV
Antwort:        227 Entering Passive Mode (10,0,2,15,9,244)
Befehl:         LIST
Antwort:        425 Cant open connection - please try again
Fehler:         Verzeichnisinhalt konnte nicht empfangen werden
Fehler:         Verbindung vom Server geschlossen

There are some other modes for networking in VirtualBox: "NAT network" and 
"Host-only Adapter" seemed promising. Unfortunately in both cases the 
VirtualBox internal DHCP server (that works great in "NAT" mode) isn't working 
with mTCP dhcp and WATTCP programs that use dhcp. If I use Debian 7 as guest 
instead of FreeDOS 1.1 the Host-Only adapter works as expected.

Any ideas? Perhaps there is a simple explanation? Thanks!!

Have a good night.

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