Hi Rinaldo, how are you? Has been a while...

To be honest, I would use a standard Linux system for
this driver work. They often make it easy to activate
screenreaders which they already have included and of
course they support lots of soundcards. I do not know
how user-friendly the screen reader navigation is. Do
you use extra buttons for that? Connected to a printer
port or joystick port or USB maybe? Or just keyboard
hotkeys? In any case, you can run your DOS software in
dosemu on Linux. It might also be an option to use the
DOS screenreader together with the dosemu simulation
of a soundblaster soundcard: The actual sound output
from dosemu via Linux will support many card models.

Regards, Eric

PS: If you have a non USB printer port, Covox style
ADC sound output in bare DOS should work everywhere.
Assuming your screenreader driver is robust enough.

> I used a mini-itx to put a small dos 6.22 computer together for
> myself an now I do have  a external synthesizer with and it is about
> four times lager than my mini-itx computer. After all these years are
> the not a way I can use the soundcard with my asap screen reader
> program or any of the others that are on the market please. I am
> onlylooking for a driver program between the dos screenreader and the
> soundcard please. Best wishes
> Rinaldo guelpa.rv telkomsa.net

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