On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 10:41 AM, bruce.bowman tds.net
<bruce.bow...@tds.net> wrote:

> My biggest complaint about currently available editors are their
> restrictions on file size. A new editor should page the file in from
> disk as needed so as to avoid this restriction.

The usual limitation is a 64K file size.  How often must you *edit*
(as opposed to view) a larger file?  (I might argue that if you need
to edit program code which is larger than 64K, you need to refactor
your code.)

> It also seems like overkill for a text editor to operate in a graphics mode.

Microsoft Word for DOS will do this.  Under FreeDOS, this gets me a 60
line screen in the program,  (I haven't encountered anything else that
will do it.)

But it is overkill for a text editor.  There, an 80x50 VGA screen is fine.

> Bruce

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