>> UIDE has NEVER ignored if a diskette has change-line support!   It
>> does in fact check the BIOS data table at 0:48Fh for bit 0 (change
>> line for diskette A:) or bit 4 (change line for diskette B:).   If
>> those bits are off, diskette A: or diskette B: will not be cached.
> That is an interesting bug in VirtualBox then (wrong 40:xx data)
> but I support Tom here because int 13 is the "front entrance" to
> knowing if change lines are supported. Whether and how this uses
> the "back office" 40:xx data and whether this data reflects the
> "official" statement returned by int 13 is not always reliable,
> so asking int 13 is probably better ...

Who says there is a "front office" and "back office" way of dealing
with diskette media-changes??   Both seem valid to me!   And if the
two methods do NOT return the same info, we should CORRECT whatever
program (VirtualBox, in this case) which has CAUSED such a problem,
rather than requiring all previously-GOOD software to get changed!

> Also, it would be very easy for UIDE to ask int 13 instead of or
> in addition to 40:48 bits.

Would take more logic, and is NOT needed on any "hardware" PC.   As
I am NOT "working for VirtualBox" (or I damned-well HOPE not!), let
THEM make changes to address the problems they have created!

>> But, if what you wrote above is correct, VirtualBox expects people to
>> use ONLY the "Int 13h" requests, when determining if a diskette has
>> change-line support. And in any event, by indicating NO such support
>> ... they make it impossible for UIDE to cache diskettes ...
> Indeed. But it is better to not cache than to damage data.

Another statement on which you can bet your [rear-end]!

> Given the new information from Tom, I agree that it is
> not worth the effort to add heuristic cache flushing,
> as it turned out that it IS possible to detect that no
> change line exists in VirtualBox. So VirtualBox users
> will not enjoy UIDE caching, but please do use int 13
> (instead of or even better in addition to 40:48) for
> the detection of systems without change lines... That
> will protect VirtualBox users from data loss dangers!

So will UIDE/UIDE2 /E, and so I shall leave my drivers as-is.

>> To which I shall add:  Maybe you might have read the UIDE.ASM file
>> before making any BASELESS and WRONG accusations about my drivers!
> The sources are circa 4000 lines long and do not even
> mention "change line". Now that you explain how UIDE
> works, I was able to find this snippet:
>>         mov     al,FMCMask      ;Use diskette media-change bits
>>         and     al,es:[MCHDWFL] ;  for our number of diskettes.
>> I_FScn: test    al,001h         ;Can next unit signal media-changes?
>>         jz s    I_FMor          ;No?  CANNOT use this old "clunker"!
> where MCHDWFL equ 0048Fh. You claimed that you would
> check 40:48, not 40:8f, but I could not find anything
> in UIDE which checks 40:48 and RBIL does not give any
> meaning for 40:48 either. Looking at RBIL for 40:8f,
> I see that you can check whether drives support 80
> tracks and/or multiple baud rates, but not on XT and
> nothing is said about change lines being flagged by
> this byte according to RBIL.

See my earlier post this morning re: the "BIOS Central" list
of what is present in the BIOS data table at 0:48Fh.    I am
not surprised if change-line data is not specified for an XT
as they were not available till 1985, back in the "AT" days!

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