Hi Tom,

thanks for checking the int 13 details on VirtualBox!

>>> I was about to post bugreport at VirtualBox bugtracker, but decided to
>>> double-check the issue first. On my system floppy images change are
>>> correctly recognized. VirtualBox 4.1.4-3.2.3 OSE OpenSUSE 12.1.
>> The "issue" is that VirtualBox is not posting diskette media-change
>> status in the BIOS data table.
> the 'issue' is that VirtualBox clearly states
>   'floppy without change-line support'

Then the "bugreport" should be a "feature request":
"Please add floppy change-line support to VirtualBox"

> int13/15 returns '01h floppy without change-line support
> int13/16 returns '06h change line active or not supported
> but UIDE ignores this, and relies on change line support anyway.

That is a bug in UIDE then. I just checked LBACACHE:

It rejects non-change-line floppy drives when asked
to cache floppy (LBACACHE FLOP command line option).
It does this in setup (13.15) so there is no special
handling for 13.16 needed after setup imho... So you
cannot cache floppy on VirtualBox with Lbacache, but
at least you do not get data errors that way either.


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