On 4/11/2012 2:34 PM, Alex wrote:
> Sorry but I still don't find the above comments very reassuring, with
> regard to the future usability of (Free)DOS on new hardware. The fact
> that we will be able to run DOS in emulators/virtual machines, because
> we can no longer boot it, is no reason at all for being reassured. In
> fact, such a state of affairs is rather sad and paradoxical, and in
> such a scenario I don't even see the point of using DOS in the first
> place (apart from running DOS games). To me, at least, DOS is
> something that today is still useful because it gives you control over
> the machine, it is lean and unbloated, and provides you with a simple,
> uncluttered environment. Now, if we have to resort to using a virtual
> machine for running DOS, this frankly seems to defeat the purpose.
> So, alas, my fears stand.

Ok - lots of hand wringing.  What's your plan?


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