Em 05-10-2011 21:39, Michael B. Brutman escreveu:
> On 10/5/2011 7:27 PM, Alain Mouette wrote:
>> So now I use
>>      MTU=1472
>> and I had no more problems ever since. I recommend to anyone, use 1472
>> to avoid problems.

> Ah, interesting!  I should put that tip in the user notes.
> I set a default of 576, which is the minimum that a gateway must
> support.  SLIP and PPP users often must use less.  I probably should
> work on a utility to do some MTU path discovery to diagnose problems
> like that.

I monitored Firefox in that network with WireShark. ICMP is used to 
adjust the MTU, for every connection the first packet is sent with 1500, 
then it is resent with 1472. Terribly ineficinet, it works because 
mostly the first send packet is usually smaller.

I also don't have ICMP fully implemented, so it just did not work at all...


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