Thanks for this nice DOS FTP server! I installed it under FreeDOS 1.0 in VirtualBox 4.1.4 (32 MB RAM) and on a real machine (Compaq Contura Aero 4/33 20MB RAM).
I then compared the performance of mTCP ftpsrv with other DOS FTP-servers. The competition was: EZ-NOS 2 [1], Datalight sockets ftpd [2], WATT32 ftpsrv32 [3] and SwsSock ftpd [4]. Client was Filezilla 3.5.1 on a MacBook Pro 2011 with OS X 10.6.8. I transferred a mp3 song (Dylan/Cash: Girl from the North Country) with 8934148 bytes. The results: Upload from Mac to DOS server real machine virtualbox EZ-NOS 2 75 sec. 4 sec. Datalight Sockets 61 sec. 4 sec. WATT32 ftpsrv32 21 sec. 11 sec. mTCP ftpsrv 24 sec. 4 sec. SwsSock ftpd 32 sec. 4 sec. Download from DOS server to Mac real machine virtualbox EZ-NOS 2 154 sec. 135 sec. Datalight Sockets 70 sec. 4 sec. WATT32 ftpsrv32 31 sec. 2 sec. mTCP ftpsrv 23 sec. 2 sec. SwsSock ftpd 94 sec. 77 sec. Datalight sockets works as TSR in the background so that may be a reason for its lack of speed in some tests. EZ-NOS 2 and SwsSock ftpd were very slow downloading the file. So I tested them a second and a third time, but came to the same result. As you can see mTCP ftpsrv shows a very good performance. regards Ulrich [1] EZ-NOS 2 (GPL 2) is a descendant of KA9Q and has been developed by Ken. His site <> is defunct, which is a real loss for every user interested in DOS networking. A working mirror can be found here: <> [2] Datalight Sockets is a commercial software that enables embedded DOS systems to connect to the internet. A free single user version for non-commercial purposes can be downloaded here: <> [3] WATT32 ftpsrv32 (probably GPL 2) is an example app by the WATT32 developers and can be found here: <> [4] SwsSock is cross platform networking library. It comes with the source code and is called freeware. Companies and other organisations need a license, though. I used ftpd.exe from the prebuilt DOS examples a bit further on the page. <> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, security threats, fraudulent activity and more. Splunk takes this data and makes sense of it. Business sense. IT sense. Common sense. _______________________________________________ Freedos-user mailing list