Hi again,
   I stumbled upon this thread again and haven't heard anything
privately, so I'm wondering if the OP got everything figured out.
(Guess I should cc him.)

> The Toshiba has PC-DOS installed on a single FAT16 partition.

BTW, I'm not sure if (any or all versions of) PC-DOS has the same
limitation as MS-DOS. I think MS-DOS *must* be installed on sector 0
at the very very beginning of the hard drive. Not sure if that is
IO.SYS and/or MSDOS.SYS, though. I think MS and PC both diverged after
5 (circa 1991), so who knows if PC fixed it in later versions, but I
don't think MS did, even with Win9x. Annoying (though you may? be able
to circumvent that via GRUB4DOS, but I wouldn't suggest it here).
DR-DOS didn't have that problem.

I hope that quirk doesn't bite you.    :-/

> What I will do is to start again from scratch, set up a dual boot of
> PC-DOS and MS-DOS, and install Windows For Workgroups (for networking)
> and DesqView (because I love it).  I prefer PC-DOS but it doesn't seem
> to like QEMM which is required for DesqView; hence the need for MS-DOS.

I read a rumor somewhere that MS-DOS 5 had specific bits inside the
kernel for DesqView compatibility, so I'm not hugely surprised.
Honestly, I *hope* you could install MS-DOS at the beginning of the
drive and PC-DOS after that. (But it may not work.) However, I *know*
that FreeDOS is less picky, even less than DR-DOS, which doesn't have
the same (MS) limitation but has some other minor one that I forget
(perhaps must be on first primary active FAT partition?? Also not
counting their 8 GB limit [2 GB x 4], of course).

Like I said, Lucho claimed the IBM Server Scripting Toolkit had PC-DOS
2000 but extended w/ FAT32 support. DR-DOS 7.03 never supported FAT32
officially. FreeDOS of course has no problems. You don't really need
FAT32 here, though, just saying, of them all, FreeDOS is probably the
most flexible with installing / partitioning schemes.

> This machine was built in about 1995 and originally came with Windows
> 95.  I was given it in about 2000 ... I like this one and
> find it useful so I'll continue running it until it dies.

Here's to a long life (though sadly none of mine seem to last as long
as I'd like, esp. newer ones seem flakier than older ones, even!)!

> I use it for ... programming in C and Clipper.

Have you, by chance, ever used (x)Harbour in DOS?? (See freedos-devel
thread wondering what's up with it.)

> (Jeffrey): "You might want to partition the drive to preserve your current
>             install. Take a look at fips http://www.igd.fhg.de/~aschaefe/fips/
>             to create a new partition to install to."

That link is broken. But you can grab FIPS from FreeDOS' mirror here:


"Preserve your current install" ... oh, I guess you mean resize? Why
not use Partition Resizer? Freeware, no sources, but who knows, maybe
it works better?? (Just mentioning it for completeness here.)


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