I have been writing a batch file to change the serial number
of a floppy disk ( or other disk ) The batch file uses output redirection
rather heavily. The batch file does change the serial number,
but after a few uses it will give the error
Can not redirect output to file 'nul'. ( or whichever device or file is 
being written to. )
I am using kernel 2038.

Here is the code

@echo off
echo Change the serial number of a disk!
if "%1"=="a:" set disk=0
if "%1"=="b:" set disk=1
if "%1"=="c:" set disk=2
if "%1"=="d:" set disk=3
if "%1"=="e:" set disk=4
if "%1"=="f:" set disk=5

echo Creating Scripts...

echo 1d > %tmp%\edscript
echo 1,1r" Volume ", >> %tmp%\edscript

echo l 0 %disk% 0 1 > %tmp%\dbscript
echo e 0027 %5 >> %tmp%\dbscript
echo e 0028 %4 >> %tmp%\dbscript
echo e 0029 %3 >> %tmp%\dbscript
echo e 002a %2 >> %tmp%\dbscript
echo w 0 %disk% 0 1 >> %tmp%\dbscript
echo q >> %tmp%\dbscript

echo Computing changes...
vol %1 > %tmp%\file1

echo Changing serial number...

debug < %tmp%\dbscript > nul
vol %1 > %tmp%\file2
fc %tmp%\file1 %tmp%\file2 > nul
if not "%errorlevel%"=="0" goto success

echo 1,1r"is","is still" >> %tmp%\edscript
echo Failure

goto done

echo 1,1r"is","is now" >> %tmp%\edscript
echo Success!


echo e >> %tmp%\edscript
edlin %tmp%\file2 < %tmp%\edscript > nul
type %tmp%\file2

echo Deleting temporary files...
rem del %tmp%\??script %tmp%\file*

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