
On 2/1/11, dos386 <dos...@gmail.com> wrote:
> COOL :-)
> Nevertheless, I'll stay with just ZIP and 7-ZIP (both possibly
> containing a TAR).
> I don't need 1'000'000'000'000 archive formats.

Nobody needs more than a few, but there are still a ton of old .ARC
files out there. And since you brought it up again, I re-searched (and
found) the unpacker I was thinking about.

I actually emailed the author a handful of years ago (on my other
account), and he'd pretty much forgotten about it (no surprise, it's
been 20+ years). And I never properly learned Forth, so I have no idea
which dialect would be most compatible with this, and I never tried
too hard to build it (source only). IIRC, he did say he probably used
LMI, but that's an old commercial one. And it's in "block file" format
(16x64).  :-))

First get an .ARC unpacker (w/ TP src):


Then get this converter:


BTW, you can get an .ARC (and others) lister tool here (w/ .ASM src):


Listing archive: blktofth.arc

 Original   Packed  Ratio  Date     Time    Attr Name
--------- --------- ---- -------- -------- ----- ------------------------------
    12324     12025  97% 04-15-86 11:11:12       BLKTOFTH.COM
     2362      1105  46% 03-11-86 10:43:34       BLKTOFTH.PAS
--------- --------- ---- -------- -------- ----- ------------------------------
    14686     13130  89% 04-15-86 11:11:12       2 files

You can use "BLKTOFTH" to convert to normal text format.


Listing archive: rdarc.arc

 Original   Packed  Ratio  Date     Time    Attr Name
--------- --------- ---- -------- -------- ----- ------------------------------
    45056      5829  12% 09-09-88 19:11:06       READARC.SCR
--------- --------- ---- -------- -------- ----- ------------------------------
    45056      5829  12% 09-09-88 19:11:06       1 file

URUNARC 03:08 09/09/88, Written by Kevin L. Pauba

Don't be fooled by the "READARC" name, it can allegedly unpack
(unstore, unsquash, uncrunch). And clearly .ARC packs Forth block
files extremely well.

> (Rugxulo):
> The other was written in ancient (LMI?) Forth (on Taygeta FTP archive
> somewhere), so I never tested it. (They had a lot of old .ARC files,
> not many others still do.)

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