A while back someone asked about getting a ISO image, or a floopy bootdisk
I took the liberty to make these images, hope it is ok,..they worked fine on my
computer, and also when I downloaded them and useing POWERISO ver.3.7
http://www.poweriso.com copied to a floppy , still boot fine. I did not try
burning these to CD,...there are 2 disks, one has a few utilitys, such as
edit, keyb,..the other is just a boot disk, thats all it dose is boot, one
could build a batch file, etc, with it...as it dose have the basic, command.com
kernal and sys.
I would be interested in know how they work on any other computors, but also
am not responsible for anything. So any way if anyone can use these,they are
welcome to get
them. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15387474/FreeDosBootWithutilities.daa
I also have the same, in a .bif form, but did not post the link, also drop
box, as in this form they still have to be converted to a image,..
Any way hope someone finds these useful, and like I said, I would really like
to know how they work on others computers, or don't, if they don't. My computer
is IBM, I made the disks simpley useing the /s in the format, then I added the
edit and a few other files, to the one. So I don't know ,they might not boot on
other machines..I am curious about this.
Thats all for now, from Garry
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Garrison Ricketson
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