Once again, all of these clients are trying to be 'too clever' about the 
path names ...

Now that you have me thinking about it, a work around would be to just 
forget about drive letters and make it look like a normal, Unix 
hierarchical filesystem.  (This is the way the sandbox mode works.)  To 
change a drive letter one would have to do a 'site' type of command, or 
change to a pseudo-directory that actually changes the drive letter.

For now, file bug reports against the clients that are too smart for 
their own good.  None of the command line clients (including lftp) have 
this problem.


On 1/15/2011 4:33 PM, Ulrich Hansen wrote:
> Am 15.01.2011 18:10, schrieb Michael B. Brutman:
>> On 1/15/2011 10:23 AM, Ulrich Hansen wrote:
>>> The new ftpsrv app from mTCP works, but at least on my system seems to
>>> have problems with showing correct DOS paths. For instance it shows
>>> c:\ as "c:/\". So f.i. creating new directories in filezilla doesn't
>>> work without manual correction.
>> That's a Filezilla thing - Filezilla is too 'smart' to honor what my
>> server is returning for the current working directory, and it's trying
>> to fix the directory delimiters.
> Unfortunately mTCP ftpsrv doesn't seem to work correctly with any 
> graphical FTP clients I tried.
> In Filezilla file uploads are answered with a Error 550 Bad path.
> The FireFTP plugin for Firefox connects with the same error message:
> "550 "/C:": Bad path"
> And when I try to upload a file I also get the 550 message.
> gFTP didn't give me any directory listings at all.
> Anyway, it is really great to have a new FTP-Server for DOS to 
> experiment with. I already tried ftpsrv32, NOS/EZ-NOS, quikserv, 
> Sockets ftpd and SwsSock ftpd and didn't really expect to see another 
> one. :-) Thanks!
> regards
> Uli

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