On Wed, 2010-04-14 at 11:53 +0100, Liam Proven wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 8:38 AM, Michael C. Robinson
> <plu...@robinson-west.com> wrote:
> > ReactOS is neither a stable nor potentially even a promising project
> > anymore depending on who you talk to.  Sadly, I got kicked off of the
> > forum boards and the IRC channel.  I haven't been back since.
> >
> > I don't like when people say, "ReactOS is cloning Windows under the
> > GPL and this work doesn't need to be done," because the job
> > isn't getting done.  ReactOS could stay in alpha easily for another
> > 10+ years because there are not enough developers and possibly the
> > developers that are working on ReactOS don't have all of the needed
> > skill sets let enough enough time to dedicate to the project.
> They have got a very long way and it's a tremendously impressive
> project. You do them a grave disservice by criticising & bad-mouthing
> them thus.

Where did I bad mouth anyone in my statements?  I simply stated that
ReactOS could remain an alpha OS for 10+ years easily.  ReactOS might
stay in alpha state forever.  As far as putting up what people said
on the reactos channel being bad mouthing, that would only be true if
I had modified the transcript on my web site.

> I also think it's a pointless, futile & unproductive effort and a
> colossal waste of work by a lot of smart, dedicated people.

Not a lot of people obviously, futile perhaps, smart is hard to verify
remotely, dedicated is debatable.

> > ReactOS isn't going to be a Windows replacement that runs on top of
> > Freedos.
> No, and a very good job to.

> > Suggesting that ReactOS run on top of Freedos on
> > any of the ReactOS forums or the ReactOS IRC channel will bring down
> > a lot of criticism upon you and most likely more than you can handle.
> And they are absolutely right to do so. It is a ridiculous idea.

I suppose Freedos to you is a ridiculous idea also.  Perhaps you think
that Windows 9x in general and Windows 3.x, the predecessor, were also
bad ideas.

> > ReactOS quite honestly is seemingly being pushed by rabid anti theists
> What the...? What have their religious beliefs got to do with anything?

Enough to pressure me to say what it is I believe, announce "you have
been figured out," and kick me off of the ReactOS channel shortly after.
Liam, announcing you are an anti theist suggests that you want attention
and are insecure.  Why should I or anyone else give you any attention?

> As it happens, I am an evangelistic anti-theist myself, but this is
> utterly irrelevant to any technical discussion whatsoever.
> > and there is a strong mob mentality on issues of how to do things.
> Well, there are a whole bunch of people doing stuff and 10x as many
> who contribute nothing but want to tell them how to proceed. I can
> understand how & why they'd get annoyed.

> >  The
> > GCC verses MSVC debate comes to mind.
> Well, I reckon they should be using GCC myself, but then, the whole
> project is instant toast if MS ever notices it anyway.
> > I went by nute on the ReactOS forums.  Look and you can see how dicey
> > things got.
> Ahhh, I remember reading some of that. *You* were that trouble-maker,
> were you? [Laughs]
> > There is the Linux Unified Kernel project, but how well that will allow
> > people to run Windows programs on a Linux system directly is yet to be
> > seen.  I bet that LUK has a better chance of working than ReactOS quite
> > honestly.
> It has a snowball's chance in a supernova.

You are showing unsubstantiated bias and prejudice.

> > Steer clear of the reactos irc channel, there is no moderating and there
> > is a horrific and horrendous mob mentality.
> >
> > I would like a direct replacement for Windows 98SE which supports a lot
> > of games and other software that is now orphanware.
> Absurd. You apparently have no conception of the amount of work & code
> involved, and why on earth would a whole team of volunteers spend
> years cloning a large, complex, obsolete & dead OS that was already
> technically irrelevant a decade ago?

There is a lot of of orphaned software that was never designed for NT.
Windows 9x didn't require as much computing power as NT systems do now
when it was popular.  Win32 existed in the Windows 9x days where 
most of or all of the work done on WINE could probably be leveraged.
A replacement for Windows 9x would be valuable because legally using
Windows 9x is a real challenge these days.

> I'm suggesting cloning something that was 200KB in size which came
> from a dead company who no longer even have the sources. You're
> suggesting something that is around TWO THOUSAND TIMES BIGGER and
> represented 15Y of work to create, from a very large, aggressive,
> threatening company which is still trading, is selling a derived
> product under the same name, and which is famed for attacking rivals &
> putting them out of business.
> You need professional psychiatric help if you think that's a good idea.
> > There is hardware
> > for Windows 9x that doesn't work on NT based versions of Windows.

> Then use Win9x and stop complaining.

You are violating the rules of the Freedos mailing list with a comment
that I am complaining.  This is a personal attack and you are not
supposed to engage in personal attacks turning this into Usenet or
worse the ReactOS IRC channel.

> >  I
> > realize that this is not a Freedos 1.1 thing or potentially even a
> > Freedos 3.0 thing.  An alternative is to revive Freedos 32 and develop
> > a simple GUI for it that will attract open source programmers.
> Thus completely ignoring and failing to address my reasoned argument
> why that would be a bad idea. Gooood...
> --------------------------------------------------------

What reasoned argument?  I wasn't aware you were being reasonable at all
Liam.  A simple GUI doesn't have to be Windows 9x/NT compatible to be

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