On Friday 29 May 2009 17:52 (CEST), Mateusz Viste wrote:
> Dunno if you already got it from anyone else, but if not, then I uploaded my 
> copy below:
> http://www.viste-family.net/mateusz/Temp/freedos-user-list.mbox.zip

Hi again :)

I removed the mbox file from my server yesterday in the evening, as it could 
allow some nasty mail bots to get email addresses of people [thanks for the 
quick reaction, Eric ;-)].

I will provide the file to anyone who would need it, via private mail request.

Best regards,
Mateusz Viste
You'll find my public OpenPGP key at http://www.viste-family.net/mateusz/pub_key

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Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

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