Is fdupdate compiled with SSE or MMX or any other special instruction sets
that are unavailable in 486? If so, just recompile with those disabled.

On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 9:08 AM, Michael Robinson

> I'm still stumped as to why fdupdate works on my Pentium 4,
> but it doesn't work on my 486.
> When I run memtest 2.1.1 for dos, it doesn't find any errors.
> When I run ssh2dos, it works.
> When I run fdupdate, it crashes with a 2 near fnodes error.
> I wish I knew exactly what is causing the crash.
> For example, it could be the crynwr ne2000 driver.
> Is there another driver for a Dlink DE220PT isa nic?
> I suppose I can pull the DE220PT and try a UM9008 isa
> nic.
> Aside from this problem, I'm wondering if anyone is
> working on the new installer for Freedos 1.1?  If not,
> I might have some time and might be able to help if
> someone can point me out to instructions on what to
> use and how to use it.  I could benefit from learning
> how to use dos curses for example as another project
> I'm working on to port drivewire to dos requires that
> I work with curses.  I'm actually stopped cold on the
> porting project right now.
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