On Friday 03 April 2009 16:08, Michael Robinson wrote:
> When I run fdupdate, it crashes with a 2 near fnodes error.


Please define the crash. When exactly is it happening? When FDUPDATE is 
starting itself, or when it run wget to retrieve the repository list?

That's a verry important information, as it will tell us wheter it's really a 
FDUPDATE crash, or wget...
Does wget itself works fine (can you retrieve any file with it)?

As for FDUPDATE, it's a very simple program written in FreeBASIC, there is no 
Network handlers at all, just the gui + the wget "sublauncher".
Another test would consist of using the CURL handler instead of the wget's one. 
Obviously you will have to install CURL, and modify the FDUPDATE configuration 
file to tell it to use CURL instead of wget...

> I wish I knew exactly what is causing the crash.

Please give us the informations I asked for, it will be a good start :)

Best regards,
Mateusz Viste
You'll find my public OpenPGP key at http://www.viste-family.net/mateusz/pub_key

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