Eric Auer schrieb:
>>>> sys can write the FreeDOS bootsector into a file. Today I recognized
>>>> that my freedos.bin working on one harddisk did not work on another
>>>> harddisk after a simple copy...
>>> ... The DOS boot sector must contain information about
>>> properties of your FAT filesystem and harddisk to stay
>>> compatible. As you said, you made it for ONE disk but
>>> implanted it on ANOTHER disk, so you forced it to have
>>> wrong information.
> Note that tools like scandisk and dosfsck etc might also
> notice that you broke the filesystem by transplanting the
> boot sector. Some operating systems might be able to
> recover from that, others not. I assume if you install
> grub4dos grldr, the boot sector which loads it - unless
> it is the mbr - will also have to depend on the FAT file
> system it is part of. You can probably try transplanting
> grub bootSECTORS to understand this problem :-).
>> But grldr (grub4dos) is just a single file
>> and able to chainboot kernel.sys on any harddisk.
> So is kernel.sys, and able to load any config.sys
> on any harddisk... They are both not boot sectors.

kernel.sys is not a generic bootable binary such as grldr, ntldr or memtest.

FreeDOS has none generic bootable binary.

You can do: MBR (any you want, made by grub or grub4dos or XP, the MBR
is the only non-generic part) -> boot grldr (generic bootable binary) ->
boot kernel.sys (grldr has special support to boot kernel.sys, not
working for drbio.sys).

And you can do: MBR (any you want, made by grub or grub4dos or XP, the
MBR is the ONLY non-generic part) -> boot ntldr (generic bootable
binary) -> boot grldr (generic bootable binary) -> boot kernel.sys
(grldr has special support to boot kernel.sys, not working for drbio.sys).

Also you can do: MBR (any you want, made by grub or grub4dos or XP, MBR
AND freedos.bin are non-generic) -> ntldr (generic bootable binary) ->
[1]freedos.bin (NON-generic bootable binary)[/1] -> kernel.sys

You can replace [1] with grldr (generic bootable binary) and remove the
non-generic freedos.bin this way.

generic-freedos.bin is basically only grldr without the features of a
bootmanager, simply booting kernel.sys without user input.

This generic bootsector file feature request is ONLY a file, it's NOT
meant to be written into volume boot record.

>> - you can start it with an initial program loader in MBR
> Which also has do differ for different harddisks.

Yes, the only -really needed- non-generic part.

>> - either grub4dos's own IPL,
> Bootsector, I assume?

IPL = initial program loader, the bootcode inside MBR

> That will also differ for
> different harddisks / partitions...

At no point I was talking about bootsector in real harddisk, ONLY
harddisk as generic file.

>> - or you can even rename grldr to ntldr and use
>> XP's default IPL/MBR
> The XP boot sector depends on your harddisk and
> partition, too.

The XP boot sector is not needed as ntldr is a generic bootable binary.

>> - or you can use boot.ini to start it
> Then you load it AFTER something which already
> did depend on your harddisk and partition.

Yes, but just ONE thing is non-generic, not two.

>> A generic FreeDOS boot.bin would just need to
>> to the same like grldr + removing the advanced
>> features such as the bootmenu.
> You seem to confuse grldr and kernel.sys with a
> boot sector which also is part of FAT metadata ;-)

No, like said, I was only asking for a generic bootable binary to start
kernel.sys. Like again said, only a stripped down version of grldr.

> Eric


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