Hi again,

well if you can compile devload at all (you need tasm or
the free arrowasm "asm", www.dunfield.com/downloads.htm )
then you can help yourself with a patch / workaround:

                mov     bx,0fffh        ; never desire > 64k of UMBs

Change this line to use 3ffh instead of 0fffh, then your
devload will give drivers only 16k instead of 64k in /H
UMB mode. Might be too small for other drivers, though.

Maybe a nicer workaround would be:

                mov     bx,80h          ; first fit, try UMB first, low 2nd
                                        ; (4xh is only UMB, 00h iss low only)

Change the 80h to 40h, then your devload will never fall
back from UMB to low RAM in /H UMB mode. It will just
fail to load a driver if not enough UMB is free instead.

I think those workarounds should make devload do what you
want in YOUR computer, they are just not universal enough
to be put into an official version :-)


PS: SHELLHIGH would work, but FreeCOM command.com does
need more than 100 kB of RAM during startup and your UMB
is way too small for that. It only needs 3 kB later, so
it is no problem that those 3 kB will be in low RAM :-).

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