wow! thanks for the lengthy reply, Eric :)

ye, it sounds like an inherent problem of devload. i've tried many other memory 
managers with identical results (qhimem, himemx, himem, with and without 
UMBPCI/EMM386 etc). as it stands, my machine assembly is a bit rusty from 
university so it's unlikely i'd find the time to compile this said feature 
(good suggestion though). it just buggers up flexibility somewhat. :)

also, is ther any reason why shellhigh refuse to load shell to UMB from 



> Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 00:11:28 +0200
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] devload and UMB problem
> Hi!
> Hmmm you could try jemm instead of
> xmgr umbpci lowdma ;-). Or try himemx plus
> jemm386, more classic than jemm, same page.
> Problem is that devload asks DOS for the highest
> location which has 64k, without checking how much
> your driver really needs: It is sys, no exe header
> so "needs own size plus unknown" where own size is
> ca 4 kB in your case while only 3 kB stay in RAM.
> As your 18 kB UMB is smaller than 64kB, devload
> does not even try using it... Even 3.20rc not.
> Basically devload has no idea how much RAM your
> driver really needs, but it probably should have.
> It could check exe headers, if present, and file
> sizes. It should not try to alloc more than your
> max free UMB size (now UMB always tries 64 kB)
> and should know that less than the needed size
> is not enough (now checks for 4 kB but that has
> no effect as DOS will just fall back to low RAM).
> Affected code: Area around "lowload:", value
> 0fffh versus "max avail UMB" and "min needed
> for this driver" and SMALLESTDRIVER (oh well).
> The current version only uses "attrib" to see
> if your driver exists at all and "exec" to
> actually load it - without checking the size.
> If somebody wants to write a patch: I suggest
> to patch around "Check whether file exists"
> and "lowload:", with some variable in RAM
> which stores the minimum RAM requirement as
> found by checking the file size and, if exe,
> header. And with some code which checks how
> much UMB you could get, to avoid asking for
> more. If needed > max UMB, use needed anyway,
> to let DOS automatically fall back to low RAM.
> If needed < max UMB, alloc max UMB, to give
> the driver as much UMB as possible for init.
> Eric
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