Hi Michael,

> How is it [FreeDOS 1.1] coming along?

A crucial part of the work for 1.1 is putting all
packages which got updated since 1.0 into zips in
installable shape. In other words, download them
from their author's web pages and make 2 zips with
our standard directory structure, one without the
binaries and with the sources and one without the
sources and with the binaries (I personally prefer
if BOTH zips contain the docs etc).

You can see which updated zips are already there at
http://mateusz.viste.free.fr/fdupdate/ and you can
contact Mateusz to help by giving us more zips.

You can see which versions are available (apart from
by going at all homepages, maybe fdupdate missed an
update from time to time) by looking at our LSM list
of packages / URLs / maintainers / versions / ... at
http://www.freedos.org/freedos/software/ - I suggest
to provide packages ONLY for "base" updates for now,
so we can at least have FreeDOS 1.1 BASE soon :-).

You can also find a collection of various nice updates
which are not yet in "FreeDOS installer / fdupdate /
fdpkg compatible" shape, as well as a nice 2-3 diskette
distro with all the BASE binaries but no docs etc at
http://rugxulo.googlepages.com/ - Rugxulo also depends
on your input: To make a proper distro, we have to put
all sources into an extra download so whoever downloads
the Rugxulo distro also has an easy way to download the
sources for it - the GNU GPL license requires that. The
URLs for the sources are already available in one file:
http://rugxulo.googlepages.com/fdpkgnew.txt If you want
to help, please contact me - I might do a part of those
downloads myself, then we can split the work :-).

As you see, how close FreeDOS 1.1 is mostly depends on
how many volunteers we find for helping us to get there!
Thanks in advance for your help everybody :-)


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