Hi Marton,

I checked your PROT program (1995, shareware, 30 bucks for
the full version, demo version has fixed key "datar") from
sunsite.rediris.es/pub/msdos/security/protdrx.zip a bit...

The binary installer is 16 kilobytes, DIET compressed, easy
to decompress with UNP. See the bottom of this mail for the
conclusion - avoiding LBA for the MBR and/or first 1024 cyls
(which might break other things) would make FreeDOS more com-
patible with PROT and other ancient menu and malware software.

> PROT will keep all but the most serious hackers out of your data.

Sounds like an invitation...

> PROT uses special "stealth" technology which does NOT
> require any RAM or disk space.

Which, as expected turned out to be not true at all: PROT
allocates 1 kilobyte of RAM the 40:13 way. Tools like
the Ontrack LBA driver for people ancient BIOSes do
the same, as does a lot of DOS malware. So DOS will tell
you that you have less than 640k of "total" RAM. Modern
BIOSes also allocate such memory, but for other purposes.

PROT writes the original MBR to CHS 0/0/2 and writes itself
to CHS 0/0/1 where the MBR was. So it does take disk space
and is incompatible with several boot menu systems, at least
unless you configure them to reside outside the MBR area.

> Modes - 1/3/5 ALWAYS block diskette boot, 0..3 ask for a key:
> 0 - allow diskette boot but hide harddisk if wrong key
> 1 - freeze if wrong key
> 2 - block only diskette (but maybe allow boot from diskette??)
> 3 - same but cannot boot from diskette (or harddisk?) either (?)
> 4 - always block diskette but allow boot from diskette (??)
> 5 - always block diskette
> Install: run "PROT P number", uninstall: PROT U, zap 0/0/2: PROT C
> Always start with mode 0 to check compat, never 1/3/5...
> Mode 1 (others as well?) needs to find the operating system (why?)

> PROT does not encrypt your hard disk. It is possible that
> someone somewhere with an extremely deep knowledge of DOS might
> be able to hack PROT...

Very funny. My extremely deep knowledge and experience already
told me that the original MBR is at 0/0/2, just from reading
the PROT manual. The super stealth thing simply redirects CHS
read/write access to 0/0/1 to 0/0/2 while PROT is active. The
access in CHS-ECC/CRC mode and in LBA mode is not trapped and
access to 0/0/2 is not trapped either. In addition, the PROT
tool can disable PROT on the fly, by calling int 13.fe which
toggles the MBR trick thing. If you look at the PROT MBR then
you see that the key (always 5 letters) is stored in plain
text at offset 4 of the PROT MBR. The PROT MBR contains a
nonsense partition table, which is why you cannot normally
access the harddisk while PROT is not active and happy in RAM.

> PROT uses obscure DOS sub-routines which might not be available...
> We have not had any problems on standard IBM compatible clones
> running Microsoft, IBM or Novell DOSes from version 3.0 to 6.3.

Actually I did not find out which obscure routines are used...
But I loaded FDSHIELD (with right options) to protect my real MBR
and then ran PROT P 0 with int call logging enabled (in DOSEMU),
which readily gave away the self-deactivation trick via int 13.fe.

PROT just tests if toggling int 13.fe modifies accessibility of
the MBR, then reads the 0/0/1 and 0/0/2 sectors, edits them,
writes them, shows a message because FDSHIELD stopped it. But at
that point I had already grabbed the modified MBR in dosdebug of

It is somehow unlikely that FreeDOS called int 13.fe and confused
PROT that way. The normal style is that PROT asks for the key at
boot and then either loads the real MBR and hides itself or halts
the system. My guess is that PROT fails on FreeDOS because PROT
does not hide itself from LBA access.

Arguably, FreeDOS could read the MBR (and other partition sectors
inside the first 1024 cylinders) in CHS style and only switch to
LBA when it accesses the area beyond the first 8 GB. That would
make it more compatible with some malware, badly written boot menu
systems, and with PROT. Maybe you can use some SYS CONFIG options
(which edit a kernel sys file) to tell the kernel to disprefer LBA
and try if that makes the kernel happier with PROT.

Opinions about that suggestion please :-).


PS: PROT uses a cute way to hook int 13 and it overwrites
diskette int 40 because it uses it as a "trampoline vector":

> 7c6f  mov sp,0x4c ; ss, cs and ds are 0 at that time
> 7c72  cld
> 7c73  pop word [0x7cdc] ; save the old int 13 vector
> 7c77  pop word [0x7cde] ; ... same ...
> ... grab 40:13 memory, copy self there (very un-stealth) ...
> 7c99  push ax ; ax is the new segment value
> 7c9a  push bx
> 7c9b  mov sp,0x100
> 7c9e  mov bx,0x7ca4
> 7ca1  push ax ; overwrites int 40 vector
> 7ca2  push bx ; ... same ...
> 7ca3  retf

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