Blair Campbell schreef:
I need a simple reliable RAMDISK that can automatically set an
Environment variable to it's drive letter. SRDISK can do this, but seems
a bit over the top for my needs. I don't know if TDSK can do this.

There is a program called finddisk by Eric Auer that can find a disk
by volume label and optionally change to that directory.  There is
also findtdsk.  This is useful for setting environment variables to a
RAMDISK's drive letter, as ramdisks always have a certain volume
label.  TDSK does not do this on its own.

I'd recommend Jason Hood's SHSURDSK program (freeware), found at:

it loads, and returns an errorlevel (A=1, Z=26, 0/27+ = error)
The so-called BENNYLEVEL (H%%x) is supported also.
No need for a separate 'find ramdisk' program

additional feature is disk image loading, even gzip'd disk images.
I don't know yet if any ramdisk of size 1440KB gives the same geometry as a 1.44MB diskette.
It's pretty much equivalent to the famous XMSDSK.EXE :)

batchcode is really easy:

@echo off
shrdrv86 /D:12400K,D
if errorlevel 27 goto end
if "%errorlevel%"=="0" goto end
for %%x in ( D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ) do if errorlevel H%%x set extradrv=%%x:

ECHO Ramdisk loaded at drive %extradrv%
goto end

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