Gerry Hickman schreef:
@echo off
shrdrv86 /D:12400K,D
if errorlevel 27 goto end
if "%errorlevel%"=="0" goto end
for %%x in ( D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ) do if errorlevel H%%x set extradrv=%%x:

Hmm, this is the kind of thing I'm trying to avoid! Is it not possible for the RAMDISK program to set an environment variable instead of an ErrorLevel?

Nope, hardly any application can change the environment.
my FOR line is the same as:
if errorlevel 1 set extradrv=A:
if errorlevel 2 set extradrv=B:
if errorlevel 25 set extradrv=Y:
if errorlevel 26 set extradrv=Z:

so still pretty easy.
what are you trying to accomplish? interested in your use of DOS programs :)


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