Hi Johnson,
Something doesn't add up here. As I understand it, we are ONLY trying to
fix the problem of it not booting at this stage - is that right? The 8Gb
thing is a different problem.
Are you sure you followed the exact steps, in the exact order I listed?
If you did, and it didn't boot, then this doesn't make sense to me.
Johnson Lam wrote:
On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 19:56:40 +0100, you wrote:
Hi Gerry,
But you didn't tell it to write an MBR?
FDISK should automatic update the MBR when quit (or I'm wrong?)
OK, but if there was no MBR, this may not create one. That's what my
earlier post was all about. Can you try this (all data will be lost)
1. Boot FreeDOS on a floppy (or whatever) Make sure FDISK is 1.3.x or above
Ha ha ... some days ago I've tried already ... failed.
After the MS-DOS FDISK, I feel strange that only 8GB (Eric explained
it's cause by CHS), okay ... try again with FreeDOS ... this time
(that's a number one assuming your physical drive number is one)
Also tried.
4. FDISK /PRI:2000
What is it?
After it works, I can't fail it again (or I can try break and rebuild
the RAID), next week I'll try again.
5. <Reboot it>
7. <Reboot it again>
What happens now?
Please wait a few days, I'll try it Monday afternoon.
Yes, that's what I'm thinking. The problems will arise when you can't do
multi-tasking and multi-threading, and utilizing full power of load
balancing on dual XEON:(
yeah ... Dual CPU will have problem, wasting one of the CPU.
Too bad there's no more Desqview .... I love it.
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