Hi Bernd,

IMG file for Beta9SR1 together with RAWRITE. You can just extract the files you need from there...

Any Windows which can boot into DOS has an easy way of installing:
-download ISO to c:\fdbootcd.iso
-create bootdisk
-boot from bootdisk, which should find the ISO file automatically.

But surely this is more time consuming than my suggested method above?

a) you have to download a much bigger file
b) you have to create a boot disk
c) you have to boot into the boot disk, and even when you've done all that, you have to worry about getting the pesky file back into your build location! I'd rather download a 1.44Mb file and just grab the file (or files) I need.

I'm currently working on a single 1.44MB bootdisk which allows to install FreeDOS completely.

Isn't that what the official 1.44 bootdisk does?

Trick for this is downloading the ISO file from the internet, using WGET. If I would change to CURL and use MKISOFS for DOS, then I could work on FreeDOS on a dedicated machine and also upload from there.

Ok I don't know, I just downloaded it by clicking the hyperlink.

I'm extensively using WinImage. Too bad FreeDOS DISKCOPY isn't as flexible as either WinImage and RAWRITE yet.

WinImage is nice, but it's not free or open-source. There's a lot you can do without it (e.g. Bart's BFI where you can inject a boot-sector and even choose the order of files in the image [e.g. for MS-DOS 6.22 the IO.SYS has to be at the start of the image]). But WinImage is great for browsing big ISO files with lots of subfolders and it also has "built-in" boot sectors you can choose. I guess we should ask the guy to put the FreeDOS boot-sector in there too!

Gerry Hickman (London UK)

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