Hi Johnson,

Out of interest, I think you said it would not boot?

Again, should be FDISK problem, seems it can't write the MBR correctly

But you didn't tell it to write an MBR?

(happen again today in other PII system!)

Just a normal setup procedure after setting up the RAID-5:

1) FDISK, select maximize the partition and active
2) Reboot
3) format c: /s

OK, but if there was no MBR, this may not create one. That's what my earlier post was all about. Can you try this (all data will be lost)

1. Boot FreeDOS on a floppy (or whatever) Make sure FDISK is 1.3.x or above


(that's a number one assuming your physical drive number is one)


4. FDISK /PRI:2000

5. <Reboot it>


7. <Reboot it again>

What happens now?

Iif the server can be like Novell, provide connection by TCP/IP and
run some heavy calculation job, FreeDOS surely will better than any
Windows server, since DOS have no (or very little) overhead.

Yes, that's what I'm thinking. The problems will arise when you can't do multi-tasking and multi-threading, and utilizing full power of load balancing on dual XEON:(

Gerry Hickman (London UK)

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