hi folks, i'm geraldo from brazil and this email is a mix of questions/congratulations and other things.
a little introduction of myself i'm geraldo from brazil as i said above and i'm a huge freedos fan. well, i knew freedos a long time ago when it was at beta5 version. i'm a student of "information systems" here in brazil and always that i can i make some tests for eric. so i separated this email in some parts... congratulation, support eric/jason hood/all developers, support pcmcia driver, lucho<>jack (udma driver rules), internationalization/docs, irc people, kernel development, distribution, misc so here it goes, i hope to be not banished of mailing list :) congratulations --------------- wow i think that the freedos people does a nice work :) my little "try" to contribute to freedos is trying to help eric, i make some tests for eric always that i can. support eric/jason hood/all developers -------------------------------------- please support eric, jason and all others developers where is bart, lucho, john elliot, jason hood, imre leber, daniel nagy, steve nickolas, steffen kaiser, joe cosentino and even where is Pat Villani? all those guys made matter on FreeDOS project, of course i'm missing a lot of other important names here... why am i saying it? We need all developers here, this is why i said "where is" I'm not saying about eric, jeremy, tom, arkady, jh, bernd, jlam and other people because they are already active on FreeDOS development, and i think that they all love, live, think in FreeDOS 24h per day, just like me :) i also like the utilities of jason hood (http://www.geocities.com/jadoxa/index.html) this guy does a nice job maintaining shsucdx, lfn driver and some others he is like Eric, babysitting softwares :) so if you can, support him too :) support pcmcia driver --------------------- why develop an pcmcia driver for dos? i think this is a nice thing which can be really usefull it will extend freedos features and it is like udma drive for freedos once only freedos have this feature, of course i know that i can run on other doses but it does matter once it will be maintained by someone which develops mainly for freedos I know that eric, already talked about it. i'm talking about it again to know if someone is interested in developing this driver for freedos community. I don't know the license, i just know that it was "donated" by deskwork (http://www.deskwork.de/) guys that are making an OS written in pascal AFAIK. please, if you are interested talk to Eric directly, ok? lucho<>jack (udma driver rules) ------------------------------- what happened?(if you allow me to know, of course) the udma is simply magic :) it is amazing what udma driver can do for us :) nice work Lucho and Jack and please, don't fight Lucho/Jack, FreeDOS community needs both, ok? internationalization/docs ------------------------- i Think that we need a "strong" work on documentation. We need more people working on documentation, i myself translated some documentation for pt_br but it needs some revisions... another important thing is make all FreeDOS documentation compatible with the linux documentation project why? because doing it, we can produce better documentation(follow standards is good AFAIK...) and another important thing is submit it to the linux documentation project and translating documentation will help a lot people that doesn't speak english. doing this FreeDOS will be accessible for everyone interested, because people will have a chance to read manuals in your native language. irc people ---------- I think that irc is a nice form of communication that can be better explored, most time when i join the fd chanel i just see the same guys (i think 5 or 6) martin stromberg, tassilo, eric and some other guys that are always there(uhm, sorry people, i don't remember all names). So why am i saying it? well, i think that if we have an irc chanel we need to use it, right? of course that i know that some of you are married and maybe have children and wives to care but if you have some time, please join our chanel, it would be nice at least talk directly to you about FreeDOS, i think that it is even better that mailing list, because it works as a instant messager :) so talk to people to use irc :) kernel development ------------------ what about stop development for a time and revise code before release FreeDOS 1.0? I think that we are near and far at the same time of FD1. why? because we already have a (nice) kernel and a (nice too) shell (Free)DOS is a replacement of DOS, right? So i think that we need to care about of the "FreeDOS World" that is check if we already have this utility, develop(or improve) I alreay know the all the "todo list" from the "oficial" todo list to Eric's todo list and also post FD1. i think that not all programs are prepared for internationalization, i don't remember the name of the library that make softwares able to work in other language. there is a long way to make FD1 available... distribution ------------ so I think that FreeDOS distribution is nice and have a lot of features like our GUI installer This is the first installer for DOS that have a nice GUI wizard AFAIK :) good work people :) but i think that we can "bloat" the FreeDOS distribution with some interesting softwares so this is my list: Partition saving a norton ghost like software but gpl and for dos :) http://www.partition-saving.com/ dvd4dos http://doscdroast.freeweb.hu/dvd4dos.htm the latest version of arachne(now gpl) http://www.cisnet.com/glennmcc/ar183gpl/ a nice audioplayer, i don't know if it is gpl but it has the source available http://mpxplay.cjb.net/ ps and pdf viewer with source http://www.nomdo.dds.nl/psview.htm upx http://upx.sourceforge.net/ testdisk http://www.cgsecurity.org/index.html?testdisk.html http://yzonesoft.buildtolearn.net/html/bolitaire.html -> already know solitaire game 4th compiler http://www.xs4all.nl/~thebeez/4tH/foldtree.html yasm http://www.tortall.net/projects/yasm/ chuchunco city 2000 http://www.lgm.cl/software/ch-city/ The Macroassembler AS http://john.ccac.rwth-aachen.de:8000/as/download.html freevikings http://freevikings.wz.cz/index.php open gladiator http://snowstorm.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/site.cgi?page=openglad vavoom, a doom engine http://freshmeat.net/projects/vavoom/ ltools http://www.it.fht-esslingen.de/~zimmerma/software/ltools.html Z80-ASM http://wwwhomes.uni-bielefeld.de/achim/z80-asm.html a lot of lynks and other ports http://www.rahul.net/dkaufman/ Binary vIEW http://biew.sourceforge.net/ syslinux, our old friend :) http://syslinux.zytor.com/ the utilities of jason hood (http://www.geocities.com/jadoxa/index.html) misc ---- i think that freedos need a plan, please note that i'm not saying that freedos is not structured, i'm just saying that it is important to plan something(please, don't not define time to make things it will just disturb the development) is possible to implement a virtualfilesystem layer on freedos kernel? with a vfs layer freedos would be able to support others filesystems. what about port squashfs (http://squashfs.sourceforge.net/) to freedos? squashfs is a smart read-only fs. and extending it (making this vfs layer) we will be able to make other nice things like read/write raw files and then mount raw files/isos :) what about put a "loopback" support in together with vfs like in linux? it is another interesting thing what do you think about create a hardware abstraction layer on freedos kernel? it is interesting to make freedos "portable" to others architectures i like arkady's optimization but i think that first we need to revise the kernel code before sending to arkady, ok for you, arkady? michael does a nice job with emm386/himem and martin stromberg did a nice job too a long time ago... now, what about both working on emm386/himem? bernd where can i find the md5 of fdbeta9 sr1? what about put fdodin as little "replacement" of fd distro? just like livecds, knoppix is a "little" (and nice) replacement of debian with everything that users uses :) again, Thanks for this incredible piece of software! and keep this good work :) Regards, Geraldo ps: let me know if i wrote something wrong, ok? pss: who is brazilian here? is there anyone here? psss: ah, let me know if i said something which made someone anger pssss: like Jim Hall says: " -- I'm sorry my president's an idiot. I didn't vote for him." i can say the same for "Lula" the president of Brazil... I think that i can use this msg once everything here is GLP :) __________________________________________________________________________ Acabe com aquelas janelinhas que pulam na sua tela. AntiPop-up UOL - É grátis! http://antipopup.uol.com.br/ ------------------------------------------------------- SF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide Read honest & candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users. Discover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now. http://ads.osdn.com/?ad_ide95&alloc_id396&op=click _______________________________________________ Freedos-user mailing list Freedos-user@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/freedos-user