On 3/1/2018 8:00 AM, Mike Tancsa wrote:
> On 2/27/2018 6:30 PM, Peter Grehan wrote:
>>  i.e. for a configuration that will lock up, run the same configuration
>> but with vCPUs pinned. For example, a 4 vCPU guest that will have vCPUs
>> 0-3 pinned to host physical CPUs 7-10 would look like:
>>  -c 4 -p 0:7 -p 1:8 -p 2:9 -p 3:10
> Hi Peter,
>       On the Epyc it seemed to take a longer, but eventually the box locked
> up and the watchdog ended up rebooting the server. I started 3, vCPU
> guests all with separate CPU's pinned. It lasted 9hrs.

The Ryzen board also locked up with just 2 VMs running, and all vCPUs
pinned to separate cores.


Mike Tancsa, tel +1 519 651 3400 x203
Sentex Communications, m...@sentex.net
Providing Internet services since 1994 www.sentex.net
Cambridge, Ontario Canada
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