Hi Mike,
I could reproduce this on a Ryzen 1700 with HT enabled - it took ~700
seconds, and the entire machine locked up.
An interesting point is a single VM was able to run to completion.
I'll keep testing with various combinations of numbers of VMs,
different vCPUs per VM, and pinning guest vCPUs.
3 4*vCPU guests locked the machine up in ~170 secs, 4 guests ran to
completion :(
Not sure if its related to core count or not, but it takes several
instances on the Epyc to lock up and takes a lot longer. I enabled IOMMU
on it as well, and it's dmesg shows below. But the lockups are still
there with or without it enabled.
Would you be able to try on the Epyc with vCPUs pinned, and all guest
vCPUs on different physical CPUs ?
i.e. for a configuration that will lock up, run the same configuration
but with vCPUs pinned. For example, a 4 vCPU guest that will have vCPUs
0-3 pinned to host physical CPUs 7-10 would look like:
-c 4 -p 0:7 -p 1:8 -p 2:9 -p 3:10
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