Hi Dan,

On Thu, 4 Sep 2008 08:45:00 -0600, Dan Allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> You may be interested to know, however, that some people ALSO use it
> as a desktop system. ;-)
I second that! :)
I for one really love FreeBSD on a server, 'cause it has a (to me) perfect
setup of tools to use on a command line.
On the other hand, guess what, since I'm administrating some FreeBSD boxes
(and a whole lot more debian boxes too), my Desktop is a FreeBSD machine.
> In the Standard Install there should be an option that says "Install
> Firefox & Xorg".  It should be an OPTIONAL CHECK BOX, not a mandatory
> one, but it should allow a desktop scenario to be setup easily.
sounds good to me.
> If the disks are near full, or need to be uniform across processors,
> or whatever, then I am okay with not having all of X and Firefox on
> disc1 IF there was a simple set of "pkg_add -r" commands that could
> hidden behind a script or dialog which could fetch the necessary
> software over the internet and set it up (along with .conf files so X
> starts up reasonably well) so that a non-command line user could have
> a good first time experience.
Ah well, create DVD images additionally to the standard iso images.
> It was using Ubuntu that caused me to realize how far behind FreeBSD
> is on the desktop side, and how, with a SMALL AMOUNT of work and
> changes, it could make a big jump forward by this proposed simple
> addition.  Heck, if nothing else the installer could simply say in a
> help screen, "if you want a web browser on your system, type 'pkg_add -
> r firefox' on your system and edit blah blah .conf blah".  As it
> stands right now, however, there is very little in the install process
> which helps a user get X up and going with a browser.
There is PC-BSD, FreeBSD based but aims on the desktop to achieve exactly
what you said.
I'm not sure wether FreeBSD needs to go that road too.

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