Dan Allen wrote:

On 3 Sep 2008, at 1:53 PM, Guido Falsi wrote:

If you just want na instant workstation, why you just don't try Freesbie or something like that?

Because I want something from the source -- from the main team -- and not something downstream.

What's wrong with "downstream"?  Have the PCBSD or FreesBIE guys somehow
altered things in an untrustworthy or unprofessional way?  How are these
releases any different than Ubuntu, or Fedora, or SuSE, or
_every_single_linux_release_in_existance?  Surely you don't get your
linux kernel from kernel.org and then go assemble the rest of the OS
from the source -- from the main team -- do you?

Having derivative releases like FreeSBIE and PCBSD and others is an
excellent way to make the release process scalable and able to meet the
wants and needs to different users, yourself included.  In fact, I think
it's an utter waste of time for the FreeBSD release team to worry about
packages on disc1 and whatnot.  That needs to be done by teams who can
focus on doing that task and doing it well.  The FreeBSD releases need
to become bare-bones references for others to build on an repackage and
grow and improve.  That's already started, but the efforts of those
teams needs to be highlighted and given more, dare I say it, respect.
They are the future that will bring FreeBSD to a wider audience.  They
need to be treated as first-class developers and members of the FreeBSD
family; the "official" freebsd.org releases need to relegated to being
just bare-bones bits that are there for others to bring to the masses.

Go give these releases a try.  They do an excellent job of packaging
and installing exactly the stuff that you've mentioned that you want.

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