Dan Allen wrote:
On 3 Sep 2008, at 3:11 PM, Steven Hartland wrote:
----- Original Message ----- From: "Dan Allen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I too spend the time. I am thinking that for other people to want
to use FreeBSD they want something other than a command prompt.
They at least want a web browser out of the box.
For some, but for others like ourselves here we really don't want all
that bloat. One of the reasons we really like it is its perfect for
server installs, no crap installed that you don't want :)
Agreed, but if you go back to earlier versions of FreeBSD they gave you
an install option for just binaries, or binaries + sources, or binaries
+ sources + X Windows.
Last time I installed from CD (I have made some manual installs from
livefs lately because this gives me more options for disk
layouts(gjournal/gmirror for example) ) there was an option to install X
and other ports. Never used it though.
I am proposing something similar once again, but this time if would be
enough of X, a small window manager, and Firefox so a basic windowing
environment was able to be installed, from the CD, with a single
choice. I doubt many developers are really browsing the web all day
with lynx.
The choice is there I think, It just requires you to swap CDs. It's of
little use to newbies though, you still need to customize rc.conf and
other bits.
Also, FreeBSD is still a little download compared to other systems. I
would not like to download a multiGB distribution when what I need is
just base system + sources, to build everything up from there.
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