Hi everybody,

Thanks for all the help I got trying to figure this one out. I bought the Promise SATA300 TX4 PCI controller and everything is working smoothly now.

This means I now have the other controller left over:

[pciconf -lv output]
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:10:0:      class=0x018000 card=0x35121095 chip=0x35121095
    vendor     = 'Silicon Image Inc (Was: CMD Technology Inc)'
    device     = 'Sil 3512 SATALink/SATARaid Controller'
    class      = mass storage

I would like to donate it to FreeBSD developers working on the drivers for these cards if they want/need it (where do I need to send it)... Otherwise I'll just sell it on our local version of ebay.

Regards and thanks again,

Jeremy Chadwick wrote:
On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 09:49:25AM +0200, Sebastiaan van Erk wrote:
I was thinking of buying the Promise SATA300 TX4 PCI Controller. I've searched on google, and I do see some negative posts on them in combination with FreeBSD, however they all date back at least 2 years...

Does anybody have positive/negative experiences using this card?

I have one of these cards (not currently in use; less stuff inside my
FreeBSD box at home the better), and never ran into any oddities.  That
was with 4 disks connected, each disk its own UFS2 filesystem.  ZFS
wasn't available back then.

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