> Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2008 11:01:17 +0200
> From: "Daniel Eriksson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I am having problems with silent data corruption on (some) drives
> connected to an MCP55 SATA controller.
> I have two servers, both running RELENG_7_0/amd64. One has the 570 Ultra
> chipset, the other has 570 SLI. Both chipsets have the MCP55 SATA
> controller.
> The server with 570 Ultra chipset has a bunch of older 250GB SATA-150
> drives hooked up to the MCP55 controller and it is working just fine.
> The server with 570 SLI chipset has a bunch of new SATA-300 drives
> hooked up to the MCP55 controller and it is giving me silent data
> corruption (easily detectable by running ZFS scrub, every time I run it
> new checksum errors show up). I know the drives are good because when
> they are hooked up to another controller they work just fine.
> Unfortunately the drives does not have a jumper for setting SATA-150
> speed (they are Samsung 1 TB drives), and trying to force the drives to
> SATA-150 speed with the "patch" provided by the manufacturer does not
> seem to work (the drives still negotiate SATA-300 speed). I will try to
> get my hands on another older SATA-150 drive (or a new that can be
> jumpered) to verify if the culprit is the MCP55 revision (see below) or
> the interface speed.
> NOT working (570 SLI)
> ---------------------
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:0:5:0:     class=0x010185 card=0x72501462 chip=0x037f10de
> rev=0xa2 hdr=0x00
>    vendor     = 'Nvidia Corp'
>    device     = 'MCP55 SATA Controller'
>    class      = mass storage
>    subclass   = ATA
> Working (570 Ultra)
> -------------------
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:0:5:0:     class=0x010185 card=0xcb8410de chip=0x037f10de
> rev=0xa3 hdr=0x00
>    vendor     = 'Nvidia Corp'
>    device     = 'MCP55 SATA Controller'
>    class      = mass storage
>    subclass   = ATA
> This is most likely related to kern/120296
> (http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=kern/120296) and kern/121396
> (http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=kern/121396).
> If someone else is having data corruption problems with drives connected
> to an MCP55 controller it might be worth testing if limiting the drives
> to SATA-150 makes a difference. It will most likely take me a while
> before I can verify this.
> ---
> Daniel Eriksson (http://www.toomuchdata.com/)

I have a 570 SLI too (Asus M2N-SLI Deluxe), I've been looking for an
excuse to put FreeBSD on here :)

I'll start installing it, anything I should do to make this error more obvious?

My hard drive is a WDC WD2000JS-00SGB0;

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