On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 01:46:07PM +0100, Michael Grant wrote: > My server is live and serving customers. I can't afford to take the > box down for a whole day while I upgrade ports. Is there any > intelligent way to do this?
The ways people have given you are proper *and* intelligent. I think the piece of information you're not understanding (or haven't been given?) is that library semantics change. That doesn't just mean library version numbers -- it means actual API functionality changes. > For example, could I do everything on a second disk while running the > live system on the first disk? For example using a chroot so it > thinks it's > > For example, might this work? > > 1) upgrade system in the canonical way: > # make buildworld > # make buildkernel > # make installkernel > # reboot > # mergemaster -p > # make installworld > # mergemaster > # reboot Assuming after "reboot" you include boot into single user: yep, correct. Follow the procedure documented in /usr/src/Makefile to a tee. Do not deviate from it unless you know *exactly* the risks of doing so. :-) By the way, all of the above guarantees downtime. You seem to be of the "I must achieve Five Nines" mentality, so I'll point you to why Five Nines is absurd: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myth_of_the_nines > 2) make sure misc/compat6x is installed You're asking for trouble right here. I've discussed in a previous thread (if you want me to dig it up I can) the dangers of using the compatXx packages. You can: * End up with dual libraries in your ld.so path, which can result in functions of the same name being loaded, which is a problem because... * Function semantics/API differences exist between RELENG_7 and RELENG_6, 6 and 5, 5 and 4, 4 and 3 -- but function names remain the same. * Library innards change. Best example? libkvm. These are so major that an entries goes into /usr/src/UPDATING when the semantics change. People who don't follow the proper upgrade procedure get amusing results: "top doesn't work, it spits out some weird error!" "why is ps broken?!?" etc. * "Library nightmare" syndrome, which is the UNIX equivalent of Windows' "DLL Hell". Some program on the machine attempts to link to a library called "libapemans.so.4", and you have two versions of it: one for 6, and one for 7. Uh oh! How do you avoid these problems? You use software that you have the source for, and rebuild that software from the source. You then guarantee (assuming compatXx isn't installed) that the software links to a proper library, works with proper API functionality (or else it won't compile/link properly), and you retain a clean library tree. In the case of packages, they're also OK. Just be sure to use ones for the OS release you're using; don't go pkg_add'ing packages from RELENG_5 on your RELENG_7 box, for example. :-) Remember: you have the source. Do you have programs from commercial vendors who do not give you source, which relies upon RELENG_6? If so, you should consider *not* migrating from RELENG_6, and instead getting your vendor to build their software on RELENG_7! Work with them, help them, test with them. > 3) on a second disk or in a directory somewhere like /new > a) nullfs mount read-only all the things one needs inside a chroot to > work except /usr/local > b) create a writable /usr/local, /usr/X11R6, /compat/linux and /var/db > in the chroot > > 4) then for each package installed, install it within the chroot I don't see how this is going to work. You would need to copy a TON of files from /usr/lib, /libexec, /usr/libexec, and other places into your chroot tree before anything will work. You'll also have to use chflags to deal with files that're schg. Additionally, if you're installing **packages**, why are you bothering with the chroot aspect? This should be a VERY quick task -- no compiling needed, since they're all binary. It WILL NOT take an entire day. I'd say 30 minutes -- tops. All that said... I'm a hosting provider myself, not just of websites, but of servers and of rack space as well. I've done it since 1993, using Linux from 1993 to 1997. We have users who are lax ("oh, the server was down for 2 hours? No biggie"), and those who are so incredibly anal that I consider terminating them ("The site was offline for 15 seconds when you reloaded Apache, why?!"). We also have commercial customers who demand *prior* notice of when we do things, and trust our ability/judgement. In the case of all clientel, we tell them when there's going to be downtime (unless otherwise unexpected), and give them a general estimate of the downtime when it's going to happen. They have come to accept that, regardless of how long. Customers are actually not too bad as long as you communicate with them honestly and openly. We have multiple servers. Some run RELENG_7, others RELENG_6. We've gone through the pain of RELENG_3 --> 4 --> 5 --> 6 --> 7 over the years, and definitely found what's most effective. We reinstall the OS, because that's what works best -- and because the "magical major revision upgrade path" is chaotic, has a history of leaving random crap laying around on your filesystem, and (any good SA will know what I mean by this) does not give the "good feeling" of a clean system. So how did we upgrade from RELENG_4 to RELENG_6 (we skipped 5) on our main webserver? It was fairly simple: We had a RELENG_6 server built, and compiled all the same ports we had on the RELENG_4 box. I spent a week or so making sure the machine had a working Apache server, and did my best to thoroughly test it -- including asking some users "would you mind if we moved your site over to a beta/test box to make sure things worked?" Things did work. I then announced downtime to all the clientel, saying "this is a major upgrade, and will probably take a few hours guaranteed". I started moving home directories over using dump/restore, updated DNS records, and did numerous other things which I can't even remember. Entire downtime was about an hour, most of which was due to the amount of data we had to copy over. If we used NFS, this would've been much easier. There was one mistake which happened (some incorrect firewall rules, the result of our ipfw --> pf migration), and I fixed it when someone reported it ("I can't FTP..."). We'll have to do the same thing when going from 6 to 7. I have a spare box ready to go for said migration path. My advice to you is get another box. Prep it for the migration prior, then move things over. It's the logical, intelligent, and professional way of doing upgrades in any production environment. -- | Jeremy Chadwick jdc at parodius.com | | Parodius Networking http://www.parodius.com/ | | UNIX Systems Administrator Mountain View, CA, USA | | Making life hard for others since 1977. 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