Marko Lerota wrote:
Kris Kennaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Then the servers. Why should I reinstall all my databases and such?
I always
liked that FreeBSD base (OS) is separated from packages. And no
matter what I do with the packages, my OS will always work. I don't
want dependency
hell like in Linux. Now you are telling me that my database might not work
after upgrade to a new version. Is that it?
First, try to relax.

Sorry, but I'm pissed off now, not relax any more.

portupgrade -faP requests to reinstall everything from precompiled
packages.  It will only fall back to compiling them locally if the
package is unavailable (e.g. for legal reasons).

It passed two days from portupgrade -faP, and it didn't finished yet.
To be worse, I have to do it again because the PC had to be rebooted.
So in the next 2-3 days I can sit with my PC and wait with him to finish the upgrade. It will be three days because of [EMAIL PROTECTED]@[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Are you connected via a modem or something? 2-3 days to download some packages cannot be right if you have a decent internet connection.

And I have to pray the god that I don't have the power loss.
Now apache and acroread doesn't work any more and I'm afraid that I'll find some other stuff that don't work too.

So can anyone tell me this is not stupid??? Reinstalling all applications because of upgrade? This can be called new installation. Not upgrade.

Now I'm thinking that It would be much easier that I backup my files,
databases and other stuff and do fresh installation. But why????
So I can do the same thing when 8_0 comes out?
This is the worst thing that I found about FreeBSD for now.
This have to be changed or fixed somehow, because the upgrade
is not possible if you have lots of ports installed, and certainly can't be called upgrade!

I'm sorry you feel that way, but you haven't understood the explanations that you have been given already.

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