On Fri, 29 Feb 2008 01:57:32 +0100 Kris Kennaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:
> Bakul Shah wrote:
> > On Fri, 29 Feb 2008 00:54:55 +0100 Kris Kennaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:
> >> portupgrade -faP requests to reinstall everything from precompiled 
> >> packages.  It will only fall back to compiling them locally if the 
> >> package is unavailable (e.g. for legal reasons).
> >>
> >> Second, the reason for this requirement is explained in the 
> >> announcement.  In fact, it has *always* been required to recompile ports 
> >> when moving to a new major release of FreeBSD, for guaranteed correct 
> >> operation when some of the ports are updated later on.
> > 
> > Er... Can't one run old binaries after installing one or more
> > of usr/ports/misc/compat-[3456]x -- that has not changed, has
> > it?
> No, it has not.

Excellent! I was getting worried a bit :-)

> As I've tried to explain, the difficulty is when you start recompiling 
> parts of them, e.g. a shared library used by other ports.


Hmm... If prior to any recompile such a shared lib was copied
to a compat dir (based on the most recent shared lib *it*
depends on), programs relying on it would continue working.

Thanks for the explanation.  
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