It looks like that Marek Blaszkowski in his new thread on freebsd-amd64@

is describing the same system hangings. He founds some strange behaviour with 'sync' of harddiscs. Perhaps this is a step towards the cause of hangings?


Rainer Hurling schrieb:
Thanks for your answer.

Kris Kennaway schrieb:
Rainer Hurling wrote:
Looking into PR kern/104406 it seems, that this describes exactly what I am experiencing on three of my systems over the last weeks. They are running FreeBSD 8.0-CURRENT (known as 7.0-CURRENT not long ago ;-) ).

Actually it sounds nothing like it at all ;)

On these machines I often observe hangings, sometimes only a few seconds, on other times 20-30 seconds before input/output is back. This seems to happen when more extensive disk usage is needed (portupgrade, buildworld, browsing complicated websites etc.). During the hang even xterm is not responding any more, other (diskless) applications like xclock keep to continue. I have no panics, only UFS (and MSDOSFS) are mounted, no NTFS. About two months ago none of my systems showed these hangings.

Is your system swapping? This is the usual cause of pauses during high application (actually memory) load.


No, I am working with 2GB RAM, without swapping at all.

In the meantime I tested the above described behaviour a little more. The hangings even appeared without using Xorg, only working on consoles under heavy disk usage (portupgrade etc.).


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