Oleg Derevenetz wrote:
> > After my break to debugger using Ctrl+Alt+Esc sequence and
entering a
> > "panic" command kernel does not wrote a kernel dump but seems to
> > hang.
> > anyone describe how to obtain a kernel dump in this situation, or at
> > say - which output of show commands need in first place to debug
this > > ?
> > Output of all suggested commands is huge and I afraid of making >
> mistake
> > when carrying this output from screen to list of paper and back :-)
> Oleg, one thing you can do to make this less painful is to
> run your machine's console over serial port.
> First get a crossover serial cable, make sure it works from one
> box to another, it should be easy to run "tip com1" on both
> boxes to ensure that it works.
> Then you just need to add console=comconsole to /boot/loader.conf
> and your box's console should come over serial.
> Then on the machine watching the console, you can just do this:
> % script
> Script started, output file is typescript
> % tip com1
> ...do ddb stuff now...
> ...stop tip
> % exit
> now you should have everything logged into a file called "typescript"
> should save you a big headache.
Thanks, I'll try it in the monday morning.
> As far as getting a dump from ddb, try this:
> ddb> call doadump
> I'm completely at a loss why this isn't a base ddb command "dump"
> but whatever... :)
Unfortunately, this doesn't work too. I called duty personnel in this
datacenter and asked them to do this, and person on duty tells me
that after
he enters this command something like that arrives on monitor:
db> call doadump
Dumping 3072 MB
Dump aborted error I/O
Dump failed. (Error 5)
Hmnmm, that seems like you might be having a hardware problem,
It is possible, but unlikely:
1. I have simular symptoms on another AMD64 machine with 6.2 (uname -a
from this machine listed in PR kern/104406 in my followup at Wed, 7 Mar
2007 05:10:59 +0300), but they are rare and this machine is in
production, so I can't make experiments with it;
2. All these hardware successfully works earlier with FreeBSD 4.6.
what disk device do you have?
Dumpdev is swap partition on da0 (single physical disk) that connected
to Mylex AcceleRAID 170 RAID controller. The problem arrives when I copy
large amount of files from FTP to another disk (da1) that is connected
to the same RAID controller.
If the driver or controller is misbehaving it could explain both
problems. Any chance you can get another disk in there on a different
controller to dump onto?
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