On Thu, Jun 28, 2007 at 11:01:00PM -0700, Minseok Choi wrote:
>  Yes, dns-server itself seems to work very well. when I query some public
>  domains - google.com, yahoo.com -, the result is fine.
>  but when I put zone files to /etc/namedb/named.conf, the domain is not
>  resolved.
>  One more thing, /etc/resolv.conf is changed whenever the server reboot
>  because the server get dynamic IP from ISP.

Okay, so your FreeBSD box is also acting as a router.

You should therefore set up BIND/named locally, and tell dhclient (or
whatever you're using to fetch an IP address from your ISP) to **not**
modify resolv.conf.  Make note of what those nameserver IPs are though,
you'll need them below.

Pick a "fake domain" for yourself (such as home.lan or something that
won't be used on the Internet; a fake TLD is the way to go).

Make sure your machine name is set in rc.conf to a FQDN, such as
myboxname.home.lan.  You can set this without rebooting by doing (as
root) "hostname myboxname.home.lan".

Next, you should go into /etc/namedb and run "sh make-localhost" as
root.  If you've done this in the past, you should do a rm
/etc/namedb/master/localhost-v6.rev /etc/namedb/master/localhost.rev

In your named.conf, you'll claim to be authoritative for home.lan and
declare it as such via a zone "home.lan" {} container.  See below.

Finally, you should declare a list of forwarders in options {} which
your nameserver will forward all recursive DNS queries through (it will
still answer for anything it claims to be authoritative for, such as
home.lan).  DO NOT use "forward only".

Example (taken from my own setup at home, where *is not*
a router, but if it was, I'd tell dhclient or whatever *not* to
modify resolv.conf :-) ):

ifconfig_nve0="inet netmask"

==========               localhost localhost.home.lan            icarus.home.lan icarus

search home.lan

options {
        /* Some stuff removed from here; doesn't apply to you :) */
        forwarders {
zone "home.lan" {
        type master;
        file "master/zone.home.lan";
zone "1.168.192.in-addr.arpa" {
        type master;
        file "master/zone.192.168.1";

$TTL    3600

@       IN      SOA     icarus.home.lan. root.icarus.home.lan.  (
                2007052501      ; Serial
                3600            ; Refresh
                900             ; Retry
                3600000         ; Expire
                3600 )          ; Minimum

        IN NS   icarus.home.lan.
        IN MX 10 icarus.home.lan.
icarus  IN A

$TTL    3600

@       IN      SOA     icarus.home.lan. root.icarus.home.lan.  (
                        2005122608      ; Serial
                        3600            ; Refresh
                        900             ; Retry
                        3600000         ; Expire
                        3600 )          ; Minimum

        IN NS   icarus.home.lan.
51      IN PTR  icarus.home.lan.

| Jeremy Chadwick                                    jdc at parodius.com |
| Parodius Networking                           http://www.parodius.com/ |
| UNIX Systems Administrator                      Mountain View, CA, USA |
| Making life hard for others since 1977.                  PGP: 4BD6C0CB |

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