Hi, I am digging on how to make home server.
The home server is for Wireless AP, file server, samba and LAMP.
The current progress is almost done but I can't solve this problem so far.

I have 3 PCs. One is home server and the others(A, B) are WinXP.
I have to know A's IP to access A because WinXP got dynamic IP from the Home

Is there any way to assign real name instead of IP. I am trying to use BIND
like the below.
After the configuration, nslookup said the names - bellevue, issaquah and
sammanish - can't be found.
I'd merely like to access PCs using real name. If you have any idea or
information, please let me know.


zone "intranet" {
   type master;
   file "master/intranet.zone"

zone "0.168.192.IN-ADDR.ARPA" {
   type master;
   file "master/intranet.rev"
@       IN      SOA     localhost. root.localhost.  (
                              20070628        ; Serial
                               3600    ; Refresh
                               900     ; Retry
                               3600000 ; Expire
                               3600 )  ; Minimum
       IN      NS      localhost.
bellevue IN A
issaquah IN A
sammamish IN A


$TTL    3600

@       IN      SOA     localhost. root.localhost.  (
                              20070628        ; Serial
                               3600    ; Refresh
                               900     ; Retry
                               3600000 ; Expire
                               3600 )  ; Minimum
       IN      NS      localhost.
1       IN      PTR     bellevue.
2       IN      PTR     issaquah.
3       IN      PTR     sammamish.
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