Alex Povolotsky wrote:
Richard Tector wrote:
Alex Povolotsky wrote:
mpd (fresh) on FreeBSD 6.1p12 sometimes hangs system, totally, to reset. Tried two completely different boxes, so it cannot be a hardware problem.

Which version of mpd are you using? Have you tried the latest version from ports, 4.1? I've read it fixes a *lot* of problems found with the older versions.

3.18_5; Is mpd 4 100% backwards compartible?

Yes, 4.x should work just fine with your 3.x configuration files.

And, what's worse, I've heard of exactly the same problem on 4.0. Kernel _freeze_ should be something kernel-related, I fear.

Quite possible. It involves putting the interfaces in promiscuous mode so could be due to a bug in your network card driver. What interfaces are you using?


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