Sten Daniel Soersdal wrote:
Richard Tector wrote:
Alex Povolotsky wrote:
Richard Tector wrote:
Alex Povolotsky wrote:
mpd (fresh) on FreeBSD 6.1p12 sometimes hangs system, totally, to
reset. Tried two completely different boxes, so it cannot be a
hardware problem.

Which version of mpd are you using? Have you tried the latest version
from ports, 4.1? I've read it fixes a *lot* of problems found with
the older versions.
3.18_5; Is mpd 4 100% backwards compartible?
Yes, 4.x should work just fine with your 3.x configuration files.

And, what's worse, I've heard of exactly the same problem on 4.0.
Kernel _freeze_ should be something kernel-related, I fear.
Quite possible. It involves putting the interfaces in promiscuous mode
so could be due to a bug in your network card driver. What interfaces
are you using?

I'm not sure why mpd would want to put any interface in promiscuous
mode. Neither pppoe, pptp nor l2tp would require promiscuous mode as
they use either strictly unicast or ethernet broadcast.

Perhaps you could provide some information as the situation where
promiscuous mode is necessary?

It doesn't. Was my mistake. It's been a while since I've used it first hand and I just remembered the requirement of ng_bpf, as I explained in a later mail.


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