On Wednesday, 17 January 2007 at  9:56:51 +1000, Greg Black wrote:
> On 2007-01-16, Luigi Rizzo wrote:
>> The 1.5.x version _is_ working for me. It is 2.0.x that
>> exhibits severe problems.
> I was surprised and annoyed when I found that the reasonably reliable
> 1.5.x version had been replaced by 2.0, partly because I expected it to
> be less reliable and partly because some of the extensions I used no
> longer worked and partly because the user interface had some changes I
> didn't like.

Same here.

> However, it has been my experience in the 6+ weeks I've been using
> it that 2.0 is better in every way than 1.5 and it is certainly more
> stable and works better with the flash plugin (something I hate but
> just have to use).

I can't agree.  It has hijacked some keys used by Wikipedia (alt-S,
alt-P), and so far I've found it impossible to disable tabs, something
that was barely possible under 1.5.  Tell me how to fix that and I'll
be marginally happy; presumably they'll gradually fix the stability

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